Sunday, December 16, 2007

Dau soi lua bong, happy birthday Oscar Niemeyer

Dizzy with my project right now. But its time to say happy centenary birthday to one of my hero architects: Oscar Niemeyer.
Oh dear, he's turned 100 and still working wholeheartedly at his office every morning.

Viva Oscar.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Dau soi lua bong & I dream

Chieu Delft ---
May^ troi^ xam' ca? mot khoang troi truoc cua? so^? ---- -- ------- --
Thu bay? nay` ko ddep nhu moi khi.
Ben trai', 2 chu' chim bo^` cau trang muot^' ddang tru' mua. Co ro co ro trong 2 o^ cua so^? nho? xiu cua van phong kien truc hang xom - van phong cua co^ Jean Decker.
Chot nho hinh` nhu sap dden noel. Nen^ du*`ng chuot^., mo* mang` mot chu't.
Mo* mang` mo* mang`. Mo* mang` von^' la` khong bao gio that, ma` sao nguoi ta van thich mo* mang`? Hay chi? co may nguoi nhu minh` la` thich the?
Ba.n bao?: "Tui khong^ mong^. mi. nhu ong^!" Ho*ho*, nhung minh` nghi~ ba.n nham^` roi, vi` `minh` ko he^` mong^. mi., ma` minh` mo* mang`.
Cuoc song nay` ma` khong mo* mang`, chac buon chet mat. Nhi?
Sap noel. Another noel.
Thoi nghe Olivia's First of May.
O ki niem.
Em em.
Diu diu.
Buon buon

Vi.t cua? Delft

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dau soi lua bong, and I went to Switzerland @@

O mannnn, snowing in Therme Vals, yupeeee

Longing to see snow, and finally touched it. Like the feeling of a kid awaiting toys from his father's coming home. Different but somehow similar feeling :)


Peter Zumthor's Therme Bath - such a great sensory and tactile experience, bathing is a real ritual, man!

Zaha Hadid's Vitra Fire Station, she's really got distorted eyes

Herzog & de Meuron's stuff - masters of materials @@

The book of wishes @Markplatz Square Cathedral, Basel

Beyeler Foundation - a thoughtful museum, viva Renzo Piano

Waterlily pond @Beyeler Foundation - Renzo Piano

- to be continued-

Monday, November 26, 2007

Dau soi lua bong, nghe "Chuyen tinh` thao nguyen"

Chip chip chip o^leu, o^leu.
O^` leu^, o^` leu^
:D vui.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Berlin - Reunion with the two Hanoi little sisters (to be updated)

Hien^? Hanoi , To'c Xu` Hanoi & me
Berlin Hauptbahnhof - Central Train Station - the biggest train station ever
Oh yeah, Germany

salute Germany !!!

The Jewish Museum

The Garden of Exile @The Jewish Museum - feeling disorientated and a story was told

Berliner's Doner Kebab - the best kebab in the world, even better than the original Turkish

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Amsterdam - Andy Warhol exhibition


family affairs

chuyen gia ddinh.
cai be^` mat(. ben ngoai` va` cai' ben^ trong nhieu khi ko fan? anh' lan^~ nhau...
tham chi' nhieu chuyen ko lien wan dden minh cung~ thanh lien wan dden minh, vi` minh la` 1 fan cua no' - gia ddinh`.
thuong ba`, thuong me. vi` nhung gi` ba` va` me. dda~ fai chiu ddung.
nhieu luc' muon bo? wa'ch cai' viec ho.c o dday, ve^` nha`, ddi lam`, va` danh` nhieu thoi gian hon cho me., cho ba`, va` ca? bo^' nua~. nhung rut cuc minh van ddang o dday, van theo dduoi giac mo* cua? minh`. ich' ki? wa' chang?!
troubled minds.
!#@%$&*( goddamn him, my unwanted uncle!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Nhi' nho^" mo* mang`

Ddem wa minh` ngu? 10 tieng ddong ho, bu` cho ngay hom truoc chi? ngu? ddc 1 tieng vi` project.
Gan sang', nam mo*.
Nam mo* ddang ddi travel mot minh nhu thuong le^., trong tay cam quyen Don Quixote day` co^.p moi ddoc dduoc 25 chuong (sach co’ ca? tram( chuong thi` fai? @@). Minh` ngoi sat’ cua so xe bit’, xe ddang cha.y dduong truong, tu Granada len^ Toledo, nhung thanh pho trung co^? noi tieng cua Tay Ban Nha. Xe ddi ngoan ngoeo dduong nui’, nui’ ddoi trung trung ddiep ddiep (chac du* am^ chuyen ddi ddo’ van con` ddau dday). Vua nghien ngam nhung~ loi` noi' cua Don Quixote, vua ngam canh? doc dduong ddi, xem chung cung thay lang man lam.
Bang wo* gap 2 con be' cung ddang ddi du lich giong minh`. Hurayyy, dan^ Vietnam, mung het^’ lo*’n! Trong hai ddua, co mot ddua xinh xinh, trong hien hien nhung cung way way. Ngoi gan, the la lam` wen, the la noi chuyen (Nhung no' hoi? chuyen minh` truoc thi` fai? @@, vi` thay minh ddang ddoc Don Quixote, cung~ la` cuon tieu thuyet favourite cua no'). Ko the nho duoc no’ trong nhu the nao`, chi nho loang thoang la` toc’ cha^’m ngang vai (minh` van me^ to’c dai` khung khiep, troi a.), mac ao’ trang, wan jean va` ddeo ki’nh. Nho? ban no’ thi`to’c ngan va` mac mot bo^. ddo^` sam^~ mau` thi fai (?) (nhan vat phu., ko wan tam).
Noi chuyen bua xua voi con be' ay, ddu? chuyen tren troi duoi ddat. Con` loi^ tap sketch book ra thi nhau ve~ voi gi voi no nua chu :)). Ko hieu noi. Thay vui va hung khoi? lam vi` cam giac chua gap dduoc mot ai giong nhu vay (mo* ma` :]] ). Roi xe ddo` dden ddi'ch, 3 ddua xuong xe, minh` mot huong, tui no’ mot huong. Ma luc ddo' ngu wa ko xin email hay so dien thoai cua no'. The la` Tiec! Tiec! Tiec! Chi nghe con be' noi loang thoang la` no thich thi vao` truong nhac gi dday o Barcelona nam toi (ddang nam mo* ddi du lich o TBN), va no' gui minh` giu~ mot trang giay A4 hoi nay~ no’ ve~, cung`ban? nhac no moi.. sa'ng tac' trong chuyen ddi, lam` ki niem.
Roi bang ddi 1 thoi gian, ko biet la` bao lau, nhung co ve? la` lau^ lau^.. lau^ lam (vi` ddang nam mo* ma`, thay dden ngom`), bat chot thay minh` tot nghiep roi, lai van ddi lang thang, va` vo tinh lai o TBN, trong tay cam^` to giay ve~ va` ban? nhac… nam xua, nho*' con be ddo', nho loi no noi' no muon thi vao` truong nhac (vay la` chac mot nam dda~ tro^i wa ke tu ngay gap tren xe bit' =]]), minh wuyet ddinh ghi ten thi vao truong nhac ay luon (mac du` bi gio chi? uy'nh organ dduoc mot bai duy nhut: Fur Elise :)) ), voi hi vong nho? nhoi la` co the dduoc gap lai co^ be' ddo'.
Truoc khi vao` phong thi ban giam khao con` hoi? (ban giam khao TBN ma` noi tieng Anh cung chuan lam, ddung la` mo*): "Are u sure? You wanna start all over again? Although u've graduated from architecture?". Minh` gat^. ddau cai ru.p, ha(m ho? chuan bi buoc vao` phong thi. Cam giac khung canh? giong hoi... thi tot nghiep lop 9 o truong Hai Ba Trung, kho' hieu, nhung ban` ghe lai kha' giong cua Le Hong Phong @@. Roi thay ten^ cua? no' (ko nho ten la` gi`, chi nho co' 3 chu~ va` kha' dai` trong cung` danh sach thi voi minh`, neu ko nham thi` ho. la` Le^ (cau troi khan Phat cho ko fai? la` Le^ Nguyet Tran^ hahaha T.T)), vay la` sap dduoc thay no trong phong thi roi... Thay hanh phuc lam, thay vui lam! Roi thay co^ fa't giay thi (y choang thi tot nghiep o VN, hic). Va` troi a., cau^ ddau tien cua? dde^` ddi (vao` truong nha.c!) la`: “Ve~ ddo^` thi. Ham` so^’ f(x)=…” :[[ Me oi, maths, my forever nightmares.. Ngo' wanh wan^? trong phong thi ma` chua thay bong' da'ng ai wen thuoc.
Roi bo^~ng "ddinh ddoong ddinh doong.." Chuong nha tho chi'nh cua Delft ddiem 11h trua :(( Choang` tinh? giac. Tiec hui` hui. vi` van chua gap lai dduoc no'... =(( Lui' hui' leo xuong nha` ddi ddanh' rang.
Nhi nho nhung cung vui vui, lau lau lam moi co 1 giac mo* nhu the, cam giac o canh mot ddua con gai ko giong voi bat cu*' ai, thay hanh phuc'... du` chi? la` thoang' wa :).
Thoi project tiep. When reality bites, bite right back @@ T.T
Happy dreamers!

a bird in Barcelona - 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007


dau soi lua bong.
zui2, bun2.
cho ngay ve Ho Con Rua`, 2 ddua ngoi uong cafe' muoi^~.

Parc de la Vilette - Paris 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007

Poem - tho*

Chom^ tu*` blog cua Anatta:


Tôi về tìm lại chút tôi
ở trong… đâu đó
rụng rơi bao ngày

Tôi về tìm lại chút mây
lãng du một thuở,
mê say một thời

Tôi về tìm lại nét cười
trăm con người ấy,
đâu người giống em?

Tôi về cùng một chút đêm
một chút khoảng lặng
để quên nhọc nhằn

Xin đời một chút ăn năn
cho tôi sám hối muộn màng cùng em

Cho tôi xin một chút quên
để luôn nhớ đến êm đềm thuở xưa
một cọng nắng, một nhành mưa
đủ cho tôi nhớ cả mùa yêu đương

Cho tôi xin chút… ngông cuồng
đem về vá lại mảnh hồn tả tơi

Cho tôi xin một chút thôi,
một chút em, một chút tôi vậy mà…

[lấy từ: internet]

Nghe wen ba` thi'm, ko biet co' fai? tho* cua Nguyen Duy ko. Ai co' tho* cua Nguyen Duy cho minh` muon ddo.c ke' :((. Lu`ng mai~ chua ra.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Don Quixote

I was in Toledo yesterday, Don Quixote's hometown.
Don Quixote - the novel has started to be really intriguing. And I'm lovin' it now.
"...even the freest heart is Love's slave".

Granada - Toledo - Bilbao (to be updated)

Alhambra Citadel - Granada - Spain
* Darn, my camera lost a button when I was in the mid of Alhambra - the incredibly beautiful citadel of Granada :((. Using my hands instead of camera, since my subsitute cam doesn't work, either.
Going to Bilbao Guggenheim Museum tmr, the only work by Gehry that I'm interested in. See how it looks in real.

Yei, finally he sent me the pix (I had a guy take a photo for me and have been waiting for his email for so long, finally, finally... he's such a kind man)

Bilbao Guggenheim Museum

Siena - Florence - Rome (to be updated)

alone on the train - lone wanderer, having missed a lot of things and a lot of things to miss

Siena - medieval city
Siena, main square

The Pantheon - Rome (better photo to be uploaded)

Colosseum - Rome. There's only one word. Great!
Now I seem to see what Louis Kahn meant by "monumentality" or "the power of the ruins"

"What slice of sunlight does your building have?"

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Arriving in Verona so late in the afternoon. The sky looked cloudy and gloomy but there was no rain as was in the weather forecast. Thank God. I made a stroll around the town centre at night, took some night shots.. :D'.
To Castelvecchio Museum by Carlo Scarpa tomorrow. Yeahoooo...
P.S. It is said that girls here are extraodinarily beautiful. It's true. Must do some paparazzi shot tmr morning :P~
The Roman Arena (built 1st Century A.D. @@)


In front of Castelvecchio Castle - Museum

Poor dudes... @@

The gate of Castelvecchio Museum

Monica Bellucci - that's what I call sexy

Is it called cobblestone or what? street-tiles?

- Road into the courtyard of Juliette's house -
It is said that Shakespeare based his whole novel "Romeo & Juliette" on a love-legend he heard of in Verona, which had taken place there centuries ago. There really used to be a kind of vendetta between two families here in this town. There is a house which is said to be Juliette's house (which is shown above in the picture) with the famous balcony where Romeo secretly met Juliette and showed her his love. There is also Juliette's and Romeo's tombs somewhere in the town which were already there from time immemorial. Real story or mere fiction? Who cares? :)' Hundreds of romantic people still pour into this tiny courtyard everyday to take picture of the famous balcony and with Juliette's statue (which surely was erected recently for touristic purpose), and to... graffitize the whole walls with all kinds of "hearts and arrows" slogans. But this kind of love-celebrating is quite unpleasant to the eyes and outdated, I guess. There is a much more interesting and "public-responsible" way, which I saw firstly in Florence, which I'm gonna tell ya later, there.. ;)

- Juliette's house, the balcony -
So this is it, the famous balcony where he showed her his love. I just wonder how he could get into this so-private courtyard and climb up there. It's high, man, 5 meters at least. Maybe love always shows us the way :)

Vandalism on the wall of Juliette's house T.T haizz

a convent

The charm of the convent's cloister

Castelvecchio Castle - Museum. This museum was renovated and refurbished by Carlo Scarpa, a Venetian architect, said to be a master of exhibition designs. How unfortunate I was! Parts of the museum were under restoration (Scarpa did his design during the 50s - 60s), especially the best view of the equestrian sculpture was not available (it was covered with a canvas for restoration). So I put here a pic from internet, the most famous view of the museum.

source: internet