1 ngoi nha` toa`n vuon voi sa'ch, co' anh va` co' em.. co' ca? 1 con cu'n (hoac 1 con becgie khon^ khon^ cung duoc), 1 con me`o, va` 1 chiec Harley Davidson lau lau anh cho*? em di xuyen^ Viet. Yeahh :D
"Be practical, follow the impossible" (E.C.Guevara)
"Press forward at all time". (?)
"Do whatever you feel like doing now, because tomorrow may never come".
"With God's help, fortune may change & today's loss may be tomorrow's gain" (Don Quixote)
"Vi' dau^` tran gian co' nguoi quoc sac Thi` anh cung chi? du*`ng chan^, vuot^' mat(. roi ddi".
"Life is lived, not a pageant from which we stand aside and observe". (Space and place, the perspective of experience - Yi-Fu Tuan)
"The more I see, the more I see there is to see" (John Sebastian)
"The main point is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live. To be a man first, then an artist!" (Auguste Rodin, favourite French sculptor)
"Hope lies in dream, in imagination and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality" (medical pioneer Dr. Jonas Salk)
"You must be the first change you wish to see in the world" (Mahatma Gandhi).
"I heard splashing on the boat. Her bare feet. And sensed in our eyes. The hungry dusk. My heart swaying between her. And the street, the road. I don't know where I found the strength. To free myself from her eyes. To slip from her arms. She stayed, crying through rain and glass. Clouded with grief and tears. She stayed, unable to cry. Wait! I will come. Walking with you".
(Miguel Otero Silva - leftwinged Venezuelan poet & novelist - 1908 - quoted from "The Motorcycle Diaries")
"If you love something, set it free... If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was" (from Melaka)
"Give the world the best you can, and the best will come back to you" (from Melaka) [Believe it is so because to live is to give].
he' he'... khi nao di thi hu' "anh em tui nay" di cho zui, chu ben nay di "2 minh" hoai cung chan...
kho*' kho*'...
xi' we^n, nhung tui ni` di bang mec-xi-di` cho hat'-li da-vit-so*n hit' bu.i cho*i... ^.^
eh, sao ma` cai' web-sit' gi` cua ong prof cua ong a', sao cung font mau cam giong cua t ta? de^~ gia^.n nhe^?...!!!
haizz, ko biet thu' vui ddi xe 2 banh', vua ddi vua ngam ca?nh a`? Di mec-xi-di` thi con` ngam canh cai noi gi nua.
hat-li da-vit-so*n, u're the best! yeah! :D'
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