Saturday, March 17, 2007

some thoughts on wanderers

They were wanderers from the beginning..
I always wonder if I was born to have a similar destiny, since I have an impulse for it all the time.
The problem is not $, time or whatsoever like that, because u can always improvise and settle these things. The only problem, I guess, is responsibility, by which I mean family. U can never bring your family with u, when u're wandering. Haha.. (unless your family is also a set of.. wandering-lovers, or unless u're an absolute wanderer without a family)
Yoz :) anyway, I madly love wandering.
So, buddies, let us roam the world, to see new places, to meet new faces, and to learn of new things, before.. taking refuge under a pagoda's roof, somewhere far far away.. Or doin' something the world wishes us to do then, who knows, huh?! :D
Hu' hu' hu' =P

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